BEWARE of rapid weather changes. IMGW issued alerts!

World news

Hot days may soon bring severe weather phenomena. The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management issued alerts for some voivodships.

June brings us violent weather phenomena. Recent night frosts have even reached -3 degrees Celsius. Drought is affecting most of the country. In places, the humidity in the forests fell below 10 percent, which is comparable to the humidity of a sheet of paper.


Hot days may soon bring a wave of thunderstorms and sudden rainfall. IMGW issued alerts on this subject. The water level as a result of violent storms and rainfall can become dangerous and cause flooding. This warning applies to the southern and eastern parts of Poland.

Even worse effects may bring hail, which is forecast for the vicinity of Podkarpacie. Also there, the risk of flooding and short-term flooding of rivers is the greatest.

In addition to short-term rainfall, which can be intense in places, the so-called “long weekend” is supposed to be sunny and temperatures around 26-27 degrees Celsius.

source: pp

photo ill.


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