Family: More than two thousand children are waiting for a home

Family: More than two thousand children are waiting for a home World news

Montserrat Cortés and her husband are parents of a boy and two girls. They managed to consolidate their family project since they were dating: since then they decided to adopt.

Four years ago Gamaliel arrived. Six months later Carolina and Ángela did it. Montserrat and her husband say that They obtained the endorsement of the authorities after attending training and passing various tests that determined their ability to care for the little ones..

“It is a very nice project for anyone who is willing to open up to life, to start their family, to grow it. Those parents who want to certify to be an adoption family, They must understand that they have to be trained and prepared to be able to accompany children who may have complex traumas, who come from difficult situations, but who also need affection.”Monserrat shared.

Last year, 153 adoption sentences were issued, a record number since 2018. And between January 1 and April 30 of this year, there are already 55.

According to Tatiana Esther Anaya Zúñiga, citizen advisor of the Judicial Council of the State of Jalisco, these results were possible thanks to the arrival of the new Specialized Court for Girls, Boys and Adolescents Under the Custody of the State, installed in Ciudad Niñez, which It allowed us to reduce bureaucratic procedures to streamline processes and be able to reunite children with new family units.

Despite these numbers, There are still 2,121 minors waiting for a home, as they are currently under “residential care” in properties run by the State.. Some for facing situations of violence. Others because their parents are in jail or have lost custody and cannot stay with other close relatives.

According to data from the Office of the Protection of Girls, Boys and Adolescents of Jalisco, provided through Transparency, In 2019, there were 1,300 people who lived in these facilities..

This media outlet sought out the aforementioned agency to ask what the increase is due to and why only 70 can be adopted. However, as of press time, he did not respond.

The Attorney’s Officethrough DIF Jaliscoreported that it works with municipal systems to constantly reinforce awareness, awareness and importance of adopting Jaliscoso that more minors have the possibility of integrating into a home.

He added that there is a website has information for those interested in adopting.

Elena González, president of the National Front for the Family Jalisco Chapter, regretted that the adoption processes are complicated.

“Of course you have to investigate the people who want to adopt, see the circumstances in which they find themselves, see how they live, do psychological studies, but suddenly you do end up falling into an exaggerated bureaucracy. The requirements are excessive to adopt, so much so that many fall by the wayside, disappointed, worn out and discouraged. As the National Front for the Family, we would ask for a little more agility, since we know many people of good will who want to adopt, but all these circumstances make them stay in the attempt,” he expressed.

According to the state government, in Jalisco you can adopt girls, boys and adolescents; fatherless and motherless; children of unknown parentage; those judicially declared abandoned; and those whose parents or guardians have been sentenced to the loss of parental authority or decide to transfer it to third parties.

To obtain the certificate of suitability, Those interested must submit an application in which they have to demonstrate that they are healthy and have the solvency to take in a minor; be subjected to a psychological and socioeconomic assessment, and also participate in a workshop of four weekly sessions to learn about the aspects psychosocialadministrative and judicial regarding the care, protection, upbringing and development of children to be adopted.

After obtaining the document, the assignment of the minor follows, a period of empathy and coexistence, supervision by the authority regarding the adaptation period and another stage to conclude the legal procedures and regular visits to observe the progress of the relationship.

The National DIF explains that adoption is the means by which minors who, for various reasons, have ended the bond with their biological family, have the opportunity to join another in a harmonious environment and after the efforts of the State to reincorporate them into its core did not work.

“When this process is not possible, the possibility of integrating them with their extended family (grandparents, uncles…) will be analyzed with the aim that those people with whom they have a blood relationship and pre-existing affection, are the ones who provide them with the attention and care they need.”

Add that “The adopted minor is equal to the blood child for all legal purposes; he or she has in the family of the adopters the same rights, duties and obligations of a biological child: food, clothing, housing, education, medical care and hereditary rights.”.



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