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Folk omens for June 8. Karp Karpolov Day – don’t miss your luck

The holy apostle of the seventy Carp was a follower and servant of the holy apostle Paul, he carried his messages. Saint Karp is known for his missionary work, he attracted many pagans to the Orthodox faith.

The people called the holiday Karpov day or Karpolov, referring to the special fishing luck on this day. And fishermen, as you know, are superstitious people, hence the many signs accumulated by the Slavs over hundreds of years.

What not to do on the day of Karp Karpolov

  • It was believed that women should not go to the river or to the lake, and especially not to wet their feet in water. This is due to the separation of the male and female worlds, traditional occupations. If the men were preparing to fish, then the women should not have been around.
  • There were also signs that related to the calendar of garden work. In particular, flowers should not be transplanted on this day. Instead, they were watered, loosened the earth, thinned out and freed from the missing leaves and stems.
  • Of course, it was considered wrong to indulge in laziness, walk in dirty clothes and be in an untidy house.
  • It was not advised that day to remind about debts, to condemn for certain actions, to remember bad things about others – this is how Christian values ​​entered into the daily life of people.
  • It was considered wrong to refuse hospitality.

Signs for the day of the Apostle Karp

  • A large harvest of sorrel – by a warm summer;
  • Frogs croak strongly – to the rain;
  • Flies and mosquitoes swirl – to the rain;
  • A lot of grasshoppers – this is a drought;
  • The river wanes to rain, and rises to warmth;
  • The voice of the cuckoo is heard – to the heat throughout the summer;
  • A lot of mosquitoes – the last days of June will be warm, but with rain.
  • Dampness is felt in the air – to a protracted bad weather.
  • Crayfish came out on land – wait for bad weather.
  • Ducks dive in the pond – it will rain.
  • Fish in the river plays near the surface of the water – to wet weather.
  • A lot of flowers on a mountain ash – for the harvest of oats, but poor flowering promises a crop failure.
  • After a long lull, the wind suddenly began to blow – to a change in the weather for the worse.


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