From June 1, the mobilization rules will become tougher. New rules come into effect

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From June 1, the mobilization rules will become tougher.  New rules come into effect

In Ukraine, from June 1, the rules of mobilization will become more stringent, and it will become even more difficult for an ordinary person to avoid it.

What will change for conscripted citizens of Ukraine writes

Subpoenas will be issued not only by military commissars

From June 1, representatives of other law enforcement agencies, as well as authorities, will also be able to hand over summonses for mobilization to those liable for military service. In particular, the right to issue a summons is given to:

  • TCC employees;
  • employees of the SBU;
  • employees of the Foreign Intelligence Service;
  • representatives of local authorities;
  • heads of enterprises;
  • members of diplomatic missions abroad.

Where can you get a summons?

A summons may be served to a citizen of Ukraine in any public place. At the same time, TCC employees will immediately check whether the military registration and enlistment office has updated data about this person. This data must be updated after February 24, 2022. If it turns out that during this time the man has not been to the military registration and enlistment office, he will be given a summons to appear in the TCC in order to clarify the military credentials.

At the same time, from June 1, TCC employees will be able to hand out subpoenas to all men, regardless of who is assigned to which military registration and enlistment office.

The law does not allow appealing the service of the summons. That is, in any case, the man who received the summons must appear at the time and place specified in the summons.

Is everyone subject to mobilization?

All men between the ages of 18 and 60, previously recognized as fit or partially fit for military service, are subject to mobilization. And it doesn’t matter if they have experience in military service. If they have no experience, but they decide to be drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then before being sent to the front they will have to undergo compulsory training.

In particular, from June 1, three new categories of citizens will be subject to mobilization:

  1. Suitable and partially fit for health reasons during martial law men aged 27 to 60 years without military service experience;
  2. Eligible and partially fit for health reasons during martial law men with military service experience between the ages of 18 and 60;
  3. Men aged 18 to 60 removed from the military register, who were found fit or partially fit for health reasons during martial law by the decision of the VLK, who did not commit a serious crime.

It follows from these rules that even those who in peacetime were recognized as limited fit for military service are subject to mobilization. That is, people who are not healthy enough to carry out military service. However, such a restriction was in force in peacetime. And during martial law, even partially fit citizens can perform military service.

News of Ukraine – Today, 13:01 79

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