How to attack menstrual cramps before the fluid drops?

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Menstrual cramps are one of the most common discomforts women face during their menstrual cycle. Often these pains can be intense and make it difficult to perform daily activities. That’s why many women look for ways to relieve cramps before their menstrual flow starts. In this article, we will explore some effective strategies to combat period cramps before they subside.

young woman with pain in her stomach due to the appearance of gastritis menstrual period osteopathy
Image: freepik

Use of heat packs

Heat packs are an effective way to relieve menstrual cramps. The heat helps relax the muscles of the uterus and decreases the intensity of the pain. Heat packs can be purchased at pharmacies or made at home with a warm, damp towel. It is recommended to place the compress on the abdomen for 15-20 minutes every hour for best results.

Woman touching her abdomen for pain from intestinal gas
Image: Freepik


Exercise can also be helpful in fighting menstrual cramps before they subside. Exercise helps release endorphins, which have a natural pain-relieving effect in the body. Additionally, exercise increases blood flow and helps relieve muscle tension. Low-intensity exercises, such as walking or yoga, are recommended to avoid making the pain worse.

relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, can also be effective in relieving menstrual cramps before they subside. Meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety, which can increase the intensity of menstrual pain. Deep breathing helps relax the muscles of the uterus and decrease muscle tension. It is recommended to practice these techniques for 10-15 minutes at least once a day for best results.

Premenstrual syndrome
Image: Freepik

Menstrual cramps can be a significant discomfort for many women, but there are several ways to ease them before the menstrual flow begins. Heat packs, exercise, and relaxation techniques are effective strategies to combat menstrual cramps before they subside. If you are experiencing severe or prolonged period pain, it is important to see a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying conditions.


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