Install solar panels to save energy with Clara Trévisiol from Monabee

Install solar panels to save energy with Clara Trévisiol from Monabee World news

Monabee supports you towards energy autonomy thanks to solar self-consumption, intelligent management of your equipment and support for change. In Côté Maison, all the good tips and steps to take to make great financial savings.

Solar panel installer, Monabee has been helping individuals and businesses carry out their solar energy project since 2012. In addition to the installation of solar panels and/or solar terminals

All the information regarding self-consumption of solar energy on the website Monabee

To accelerate the energy transition, the State makes available to individuals subsidies for the installation of solar panels. Several categories of aid are available and can be combined. They evolve every year, and make it possible to obtain a reduction in the cost of your photovoltaic installation project.

For some photovoltaic solar panels (and not thermal solar panels), you may be entitled to the following subsidies and financial assistance:

  1. a bonus for self-consumption depending on the power chosen and if you consume the electricity produced;
  2. a purchase price to sell excess unused electricity;
  3. VAT reduced to 10% (for 3 kWp and less);
  4. a local grant


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