Major fire in lumber company was not arson

Major fire in lumber company was not arson World news

The major fire with millions in damages in a timber company in Wahlhausen (Eichsfeld district) is making a lot of noise police not intentionally placed. It is likely that the fire on April 30 was caused by flying sparks, the police said on Tuesday. There is therefore no suspicion of criminal liability.

The major fire kept the fire department busy for hours last week. The flames had engulfed, among other things, a production hall. A total of around 200 helpers and 50 vehicles were deployed. A spokesman for the Thuringian State Police Department estimated the damage caused by the fire to be at least one million euros.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:240507-99-945146/2

The major fire with millions in damages in a timber company in Wahlhausen (Eichsfeld district) is making noise police not intentionally placed. It is likely that the fire on April 30 was caused by flying sparks, the police said on Tuesday. There is therefore no suspicion of criminal liability.

The major fire kept the fire department busy for hours last week. The flames had engulfed, among other things, a production hall. A total of around 200 helpers and 50 vehicles were deployed. A spokesman for the Thuringian State Police Department estimated the damage caused by the fire to be at least one million euros.


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