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Man dies after being struck by lightning in the head

RUSSIA / In a tragic incident with a probability of one in 3 million that occurred on Tuesday, June 27 in southwestern Russia, a man dies instantly after being struck in the head by lightning.

The shocking event was captured by a video surveillance camera located in a vegetable warehouse in the Krasnodar region, Russia.

In the video that has gone viral on social networks, you can see the exact moment in which a electric shock hits man while walking in the rain.

Upon impact, the individual collapses immediatelywhich has generated astonishment and numerous opinions among Internet users.


According to experts, this man is one in 3 million, since specialists have come to the conclusion that the chances of being struck by lightning It is 1 in 3 million. The man was crossing the street near a vegetable market when the tragedy occurred.

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Apparently no one expects to be struck by lightning while walking in the rain, but you never know if you’ll be that one. small probability.

It is important to remember that lightning can generate million volts and tends to seek the path of least resistance or the most direct surface and nearby to discharge its energy. In this case, when walking on wet ground, the man attracted electricity.


In similar situations, it is essential seek shelter in a house or building. If this is not possible, a safe alternative is stay inside a vehicle with the windows closed, as the metal chassis and doors act as lightning protection.

It is important staying away from trees, surfaces that protrude from the ground, tall objects and wet terrain in open spaces, since the Water is a conductor of electricity.

Although it may seem intuitive, dropping to the ground as a protective measure increases the chances of being struck by nearby lightning, since lightning can travel through the ground, especially if it is wet.

Is It is essential to follow the safety recommendations and avoid exposing yourself to elements that can attract electricity during these adverse weather conditions.

This entry was last modified on June 27, 2023 at 4:03 PM


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