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Petar Petković on the situation in KiM

The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, told RTS that Aljbin Kurti is trying to provoke a war because it is the only way to avoid his obligations assumed by signing the Brussels Agreement, which is the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities. He also says that during yesterday’s riots, 52 people of Serbian nationality were injured, as well as 41 members of KFOR.

Photo: Sava Radovanović / Tanjug

Petar Petkovic

– When you look at all his actions, over the weekend and on Friday – the violent introduction of fake mayors in four municipalities, it was clear to everyone that he wants conflicts, unrest in Kosovo and Metohija, to cause war because that is the only way to avoid the formation of the ZSO – said Petković.

He states that the Serbs had guarantees from KFOR that they would not allow the entry of “occupation mayors and Serbian municipal administration buildings”, but that it turned out that they actually assisted the Albanian mayors.

Photo: RTS / screenshot

Petar Petkovic

He points out that the Serb protest was peaceful and that the riot would not have happened if KFOR had not started forcibly moving the Serbs in order to get to two armored vehicles with special forces of the Kosovo Police.

– Aljbin Kurti is directly responsible for all that is happening. There were also representatives of the Serbian list. And the people who sat peacefully on the plateau, every protest so far has been like that, peaceful. While they were sitting so calmly, KFOR members began to forcefully move the Serbs in order not to get to two armored combat vehicles, in which there were Kosovo policemen, which were located between the KFOR cordon and the Serbian people, who were sitting peacefully. It is clear that all of this would not have happened if Kfor had not used force, threw tear gas, and then general chaos started, that people were running away from the tear gas, and others were fighting back with their fists. The people were bare-handed. Kfor’s mandate was to protect the Serbs of Kosovo and Metohija, and they were there to protect the occupying Gauleiter who had no right and have no right to be in Serbian buildings of municipal administrations. In that general chaos, after throwing tear gas and in a kneeling position, a member of the ROSU police station starts shooting with a firearm and two bullets end up in the body of Galjak, who is the most seriously injured – says Petković.

– This would not have happened if Kfor had not used force and thrown tear gas, the people were running away, the people were bare-handed. We have no need to clash with NATO, but KFOR’s mandate is to protect the Serbian people – pointed out Petković.

He also pointed out that a series of talks were held with many officials and that the talks with them will continue.

– First of all, we insist on the release of two more of our people who peacefully protested in front of the municipal building in Zvečan, they are Radoš Perović and Dušan Obrenović, who were taken south to Mitrovica and charged with hooliganism – says Petković.

He said that we will not allow the expulsion of our people and that the Serbian Army will protect its people.

– Kurti is someone who wants to present himself as a little Zelenski, but in fact he is a little Hitler who wants to expel the Serbian people and shoot at the Serbian people, the state of Serbia will not allow him to do that – concluded Petković.

The Serbian Army is additionally distributed in special places

– They are in the highest degree of combat readiness, they were additionally deployed last night in special places. The state leadership also visited special locations and places during the night, they are doing their job and will protect the Serbian people and their country. We are not causing any riots, but Aljbin Kurti, who is clashing with the bare-handed people – says Petković.



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