Relaxation of the nurse judged for middle fingers to Emmanuel Macron

Relaxation of the nurse judged for middle fingers to Emmanuel Macron World news

The Colmar criminal court acquitted, on Tuesday May 7, the Alsatian nurse who had given the finger during a public meeting with Emmanuel Macron in Sélestat on April 19, 2023.

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Dorian Mao

“My client is relieved,” explains Me Florence Dole, Claire’s lawyer. This nurse in her thirties was released on Tuesday May 7 by the Colmar criminal court. The defendant was judged for having given the middle finger to Emmanuel Macron during his visit to Sélestat, on April 19, 2023, just after the pension reform.

According to Me Dole, during the hearing on April 2, “the judge recognized that the file was empty: there was nothing to characterize that my client gave the president the middle finger. The middle finger was not addressed to the head of state, whom she did not even see, but to state policy. »

During this hearing, the public prosecutor requested a suspended fine of €300 and a citizenship training course. A sentence accepted in prior admission of guilt by two other people accused of similar actions during the visit of the President of the Republic.

23 hours of police custody

The nurse, residing in Schiltigheim, was taken into police custody following this incident. An “abusive arrest” according to Me Dole :

“In all protest demonstrations, there are unjustified arrests based on the expression of opposition. These arrests are not based on criminal law criteria, but on political criteria. »

The Alsatian nurse, abroad during the court decision, “want to move on” according to his advice. “The procedure was long, a period of suffering for my client even though she never felt like a delinquent,” declares Me Dole who also indicates that his client could “do not return to demonstrate”.


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