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Russian Influence Commission. Aleksander Kwasniewski: This is a big stain on the president’s image

Marcin Fijołek asked Aleksander Kwaśniewski whether he understood President Andrzej Duda’s decision to sign the act on the establishment of a commission to investigate Russian influence.

– I do not understand this decision, but I can guess that he gave in to the pressure of his political environment. He probably calculated that he couldn’t conflict, but he made a big mistake. This law is unconstitutional and will be a big stain on his image in the country and abroad, he said.

He added that in his opinion the decision Andrzej Duda “It incredibly weakens the institution of the president in Poland.” “If the president is ready to sign unconstitutional laws for a political game, it’s a disaster,” he stressed.

Kwaśniewski cited the example of Erdogan

Aleksander Kwaśniewski admitted that he was in favor of a “transparent explanation of everything”, and President Duda should start with a transparent clarification of the rocket that fell near Bydgoszcz. – If we want to start exercises in transparency, let’s start with this racket. Then we can go further,” said the former president.

SEE: Commission for the Study of Russian Influences. Ombudsman: Penalties are imposed by the court

According to Kwasniewski, the commission that will investigate Russian influence should work for a year. The former president sees no point in presenting a report on the commission’s work in September.

– From a distance it stinks of a political game calculated for elections. The date of September 17 is not accidental, because there will be a lot of hype around it. Political opponents will be pelted with mud, and this mud will be difficult to remove until mid-October (October 16 is the first possible date for holding parliamentary elections – ed.). The president has entered a cynical, unlawful, unconstitutional pre-election game. This is the worst model. In this way, Erdogan, who won the elections in Turkey on Sunday, prevented the mayors of Ankara and Istanbul from running, he explained.

Kwasniewski: Americans are very disappointed with President Duda

The former president also referred to a statement by the US State Department expressing concern over the adoption of the law establishing a commission to investigate Russian influence. According to Kwasniewski, “this is an extremely clear message” and “Americans are worried that Poland is moving towards ‘Turkish-like’ systems.” He added that the confusion surrounding the appointment of the commission “is in Russia’s interest” and will “help Putin.”

Kwasniewski said that the Polish side should explain to the American side in diplomatic mode what was going on. – I think that Americans are very disappointed with President Andrzej Duda. They clearly bet on the president in this Polish dispute. They took him very seriously. This is a stain on the image and a decision that they obviously don’t understand.

VIDEO: Aleksander Kwaśniewski in “Graffiti”

According to the former president, the appointment of such a commission is “a dangerous precedent that can be an incentive for others.” – Today PiS appoints a commission against someone, but tomorrow someone may appoint such a commission against PiS – he said. – At our own request, we are destroying Polish democracy. It is the president’s great responsibility to pass the law, he added.

Kwasniewski: Morawiecki should stand before this committee

The host, Marcin Fijołęk, asked the former president if he would appear before a commission to investigate Russian influence among others if there was a need to explain the attempt to take over Grupa Azoty by the Russian businessman Wiachesław Kantor.

– Kantor actually asked me if there was such a possibility. I asked this question to government officials. The answer was negative, the case is over – explained Kwaśniewski.

Then he added in the purchase of shares, the Russian was helped by a bank whose president was Mateusz Morawiecki. – I think that Mateusz Morawiecki is an incomparably better witness than me in the Kantor case – he said. He reminded that financial penalties of PLN 20,000 and PLN 50,000 are foreseen for failure to appear before the commission. zlotys.

– I think that Prime Minister Morawiecki should appear before this commission. If they want to talk to me, I’ll think about what to do about it,” he said.

Previous “Graffiti” can be seen on


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