Spectacular video from Korenica: ‘The neighbor was going to throw out the trash when that bear looked her straight in the eyes!’

Spectacular video from Korenica: 'The neighbor was going to throw out the trash when that bear looked her straight in the eyes!' World news

VIDEO It’s crowded, and the store hasn’t even opened yet: A long line has been forming in front of the store in Zagreb since morning.

ZAGREB A long line started to form today in the morning hours in front of the store at the Zagreb bus station. Although the working hours are eight hours, a group of about 20 people formed a line in front of the store even before its opening. “Better now and like this than later when there are bigger crowds,” commented a gentleman from the queue. Two shops are open at the Zagreb bus station this morning, and since most of the shops are closed for Labor Day, until 15:00, when one of the shops at the station is open, the crowd could be constant there.


Zagreb: Shop that is open on Labor Day

| Video: 24 hour Video


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