Storm in Slavonski Brod: ‘The sky suddenly turned black, hail fell and damaged fruit trees’

Storm in Slavonski Brod: 'The sky suddenly turned black, hail fell and damaged fruit trees' World news

The storm hit on Thursday around 5 p.m Slavonski Brod which brought rain and pea-sized ice. On the website as well as on you can see how a large storm cloud is approaching Croatia from the west. DHMZ previously issued a warning and sounded an alarm for a thunderstorm.



Here in Slavonski Brod

| Video: 24sata/Luka Safundžić

– The sky suddenly turned black and there was a loud roar. It was sweltering all day and some weather chaos was expected. The ice is falling very sideways, apples, figs…everything is gone – the reader who sent us the video revealed to us, adding that it is raining and ice.

DHMZ previously announced a warning and a low alarm for a thunderstorm for all regions in Croatia, only the Gospi region is marked in green, all others are in black.

Photo: čitatelj/24sata

They announced that a more severe thunderstorm is possible.

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