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The fuss over the June 4 March. Borys Budka to Olga Semeniuk: You should apologize to hundreds of thousands of people

A row in the “Kawa na Ława” program on TVN. Deputy Minister Olga Semeniuk-Patkowska called the March on June 4 “anti-Polish” and demanded a conversation about posts in social media. This met with the reaction of Borys Budka. An advisor to President Andrzej Duda also spoke on the matter.

On Sunday, June 4, the TVN24 “Kawa na bench” program featured Borys Budka (Civic Coalition), Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk (Left), Piotr Zgorzelski (Deputy Speaker of the Sejm, PSL), Michał Kobosko (Poland 2050), Andrzej Zybertowicz (adviser to the president ) and Olga Semeniuk-Patkowska (deputy minister, government representative and PiS politician – Konrad Piasecki, the host of the program, emphasized that he deliberately does not use feminatives, because “the minister always wants to talk about her in the masculine gender). On the same day, from 12:00, a march organized by Donald Tusk passed through the streets of Warsaw. This topic did not go unnoticed by the guests.

Controversy in the program. PiS politician: I will not take part in the anti-Polish march

Olga Semeniuk-Patkowska came to the program with printed entries by Tomasz Lis, she also mentioned Władysław Frasyniuk’s entries or Andrzej Seweryn’s recording. Then she asked the host of the program, Konrad Piasecki, whether he was going to go to the march “with his friend Piotr Kraśko”. So the journalist asked how Semeniuk-Patkowska knew that Kraśko was going to the march. In her response, the politician referred to photos on the Internet that were supposed to support her thesis. Piasecki demanded that this photo be presented, to which the deputy minister replied that she would have to turn on the phone. – Then please turn on the phone and ask Piotr Kraśka if he agreed for such a photo to appear – said Piasecki. Semeniuk-Patkowska persisted in claiming that Piotr Kraśko promoted the march. – This edited photo with the encouragement to participate in the march was the malice of the supporters of Law and Justice – emphasized the host.

Olga Semeniuk-Patkowska on the “anti-Polish march”. Budka: You should apologize to hundreds of thousands of people

Konrad Piasecki himself emphasized that “this is not a program in which he (ed.) declares whether he is going to a march or not.” – Of course, I will not take part in the anti-Polish march – announced the deputy minister. Borys Budka from the Civic Coalition reacted to her words. “Please be mindful of your words…. “In the anti-Polish march” … You offend hundreds of thousands of people who will be there with us today – said the politician. According to the organizers’ estimates, up to 500,000 people took part in the Sunday march. people.

– I will quote, I think, the clear position of the one who invited to this march – continued Borys Budka. – When there were such unnecessary, vulgar statements that do not serve dialogue, Donald Tusk wrote: “Tomorrow is a march of strength and hope, not helpless anger. So there’s nothing to curse. The strong don’t have to.” And, Minister, I will say this: If I followed your reasoning, today you would explain yourself for a former PiS MP convicted of stealing from PCK containers or for a councilor who helped your friend. (…) You would explain yourself for MP Kaczyński, who drove into a fence drunk and was sentenced for it two terms of office ago. You would have to explain yourself for a councilor from Bydgoszcz, who was convicted of mistreating his wife – he exchanged. – So if you think that the entries of independent people who you do not like are to incriminate us, then really, the internet would respond to you with millions of such entries. That is why I say clearly: this is a positive march, a march of people who look at Poland differently than you, but we have a common denominator, because I believe that you and we both have Poland in our hearts, only we look at it differently. And it cannot be that the lady in this studio says that this is an anti-Polish march. You should apologize to the hundreds of thousands of people who came to Warsaw today from all over Poland to peacefully show that Poland is in our hearts, emphasized the KO politician at the end.

– Neither Andrzej Seweryn nor Tomasz Lis belong to any party. If they were, we could apply for their exclusion, for punishment. And the spot, this shameful spot, is a party spot, said Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk, pointing to the PiS spot with concentration camp cadres.

An advisor to President Andrzej Duda also took the floor in the discussion, admitting that he really liked the slogan “Poland in our hearts”. – In my opinion, this is not an anti-Polish march. This is a march of people who, to a large extent, see the future of Poland differently. But it will be attended by eight-stars, people who destroy public discourse – added prof. Andrzej Zybertowicz.


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