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They propose changing the International Carnival of La Ceiba to May 25

They propose changing the International Carnival of La Ceiba to May 25

That he La Ceiba International Friendship Carnival be celebrated on May 25 and not on the 18th of the same month, proposes the committee that organizes this event, the most popular in Honduras, due to a request from the producers and an interest in extending it to more blocks and times.

There is a tradition in Ceiba to celebrate its Carnival on the third Saturday of the month of May, and this year it fell on the 18th.

10 facts about the La Ceiba international carnival

“But on this occasion we have come to the conclusion with the committee that we have to make a small change, the date here by tradition has been managed to be the third weekend; However, the date turned out to be complicated due to many issues,” clarified Mayor Bader Dip.

“That date (May 18) It has been complicated for the people who provide us with the assembly and concert production services and for some of the artists that we had planned to bring,” Dip explained.

So it is going to be proposed to Municipal Corporation “We must approve the change of date for the event, and we are going to move it to the 25th, not to the 18th as we had planned,” the building chief said.

La Ceiba Fair for two weeks

With this change, the aim is for the fair to develop During two weeks.

“This will allow us to have space, and the other thing is that it is the little carnivals that we want to do, only one allowed per day, this to make people from all over the city go and not have an oversupply, like last year , which we had up to 4 on the same date; We need other people from the city to wear that part,” the mayor stressed.


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