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Vegetables – a source of health. How to choose the best?

The magic of Polish vegetables: start with the origin

One of the greatest treasures of Polish summer are juicy, flavorful seasonal vegetables. At the turn of May and June, shops and markets begin to tempt with a colorful mosaic of products, straight from Polish farmers. But how to recognize the tastiest morsels and make the healthiest choice?

First, it is worth paying attention to the origin. Polish soil has its own unique features that translate into the taste and nutritional value of native products. Vegetables marked as “Polish” are a guarantee of freshness, because the time from harvest to sale is shorter than in the case of imported vegetables.

Meet the three queens of spring: young carrot, botwinka, cabbage

At the turn of May and June, three vegetables are especially worth paying attention to: young carrots, botwinka and cabbage. A young carrot should have a bright, intense color, and its skin should be smooth and free of bruises or spots. Botwinka should have young, small leaves, non-woody roots and a vivid color. When selecting baby cabbage, make sure that the leaves are bright green, fresh and crisp, not wilted or brown. The head should also be solid and heavy for its size to indicate its freshness.

Overexposure the vegetable: color, smell and shape are the key

Color, smell and shape are three key clues to help judge the freshness and quality of a vegetable. Intense color is usually a sign of maturity and full flavor. The smell should be fresh and characteristic of the species. The shape should be regular, without visible damage or signs of mold.

It is worth remembering that the power of Polish vegetables lies in their naturalness. By choosing products straight from Polish soil, you not only take care of your health, but also support the local economy.

The power of Polish vegetables

“Power of Polish Vegetables” is a campaign that was created on the initiative of the Association of Paprika Producers of the Republic of Poland. In addition to ZPPRP, which coordinates the program, the following also participate in the project: the National Union of Fruit and Vegetable Producers’ Groups, the Association of Tomatoes and Cucumbers Producers under Covers, the Malinowy Król Association, the Association of the Cultivated Mushrooms Industry and the Galician Garlic Association. The campaign is financed by the Fruit and Vegetables Promotion Fund.

In May, the fourth edition of the campaign was launched, which is getting stronger every year thanks to the use of innovative methods and reaching a growing group of consumers.

Information source: Brandmates

illustrative photo/ibid


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