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We reject Vučić’s and the EU’s ultimatum, only Serbian elections! (video)


The Kosmet Committee of the Movement for the Defense of Kosovo and Metohija, in its own name, but also in the name of the Serbian people in Kosmet, warns Aleksandar Vučić that this time, at any cost, he should not repeat the previous, three consecutive betrayals of the people and their hopes, forcing him to end protests with the preparation of return to institutions nez. Kosovo.

Also, we DEMAND from A. Vučić:

1. To publicly declare the OCCUPATION of Kosovo and Metohija, especially since he himself calls all the latest moves of Kurti occupation!

2. That the Assembly of Serbia should IMMEDIATELY call local elections in Kosovo and Metohija, and Vučić should initiate the return of Serbian institutions that HE had extinguished in Kosmet!

Any delay in the URGENT calling of elections and the return of Serbian institutions, we will consider Vučić’s full and conscious complicity in erasing the last traces of Serbia and Serbs in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija!

3. We also DEMAND that the President of Serbia freeze the negotiations on Kosmet, as long as A. Kurti does not withdraw the special forces, all their bases and checkpoints from the north!!!

As well as the so-called mayors from usurped facilities in the north.

And then, with the review of the Brussels, Washington and Ohrid Agreements (French-German plan), whether they are AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION OF SERBIA, he unfreezes the negotiations and continues them on the ground of the UN with the full participation of Russia and China.

4. WE DEMAND the irrevocable resignation and abandonment (without any replacement) of the so-called Assembly of Kosovo, by the newly appointed representatives of the pro-Albanian Serbian List.

5. At the same time, we DEMAND the immediate initiation of criminal responsibility of the top of the Serbian List, who, with their many years of participation in the work and the signed oath to the “state” of Kosovo, the creation that occupied our province and which our country Serbia did not recognize, committed a hostile act of treason and in the most direct way threatened the people, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state of Serbia!

6. WE DEMAND THE URGENT formation of the Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija with the simultaneous closure of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, from which the Serbs have no concrete benefits!

7. WE DEMAND that Aleksandar Vučić reconsider the decision to accept the Franco-German plan, which provides for the admission of Kosovo to ALL international organizations, including the UN, with Serbia’s non-opposition to the aforementioned processes.

And yes publicly, with an invitation to Russia and China to support us in this. says that Serbia opposes the admission of Kosovo to any international organization, be it Interpol, UNESCO or especially the UN!

If A. Vučić does not do all of the above, it will only be a CONFIRMATION of what we have been pointing out for years, namely – that everything that is happening in Kosmet against the Serbs and the preservation of Kosmet in Serbia is an agreed scenario of Vučić and his partners! And where are we, Kosmet Serbs, only “raw material” for all his jobs, issues and sales!

The President of Serbia, with his anti-constitutional moves on the diplomatic front, and the Serbian List, with its participation in the Assembly and the Government of Kosovo, have been giving Albanians the much-needed alternative “legitimacy” that our Constitution and Resolution 1244 deny them for years.

Please note that with these requests we DO NOT WANT TO CAUSE ANY ESCALATION OR MAINTAIN TENSION IN ANY WAY! On the contrary!


But it is our inalienable right that both in de-escalation and in all future negotiations CONCERNING THE EXISTENCE, SECURITY AND FATE OF FAMILIES, WE WHO LIVE IN KOSMET, BE A PART OF THOSE CONVERSATIONS and in them we stand for the right to fight for compliance with Resolution 1244 by political means. And which clearly states that Kosmet is a province of Serbia.

We are sure that the best solution for lasting peace and agreement can only be the one accepted by both sides. But they accept willingly without imposition, threats and blackmail.

And that it be based not on force or legal tyranny, but on consistent respect for adopted UN resolutions. And that can and must be achieved!

At the same time, we are asking for support from the SOC, the PEOPLE GATHERED AT THE PROTESTS, parties, the Movement and individuals, as well as the general public of Serbia – to put pressure on the President of Serbia to enable the vast majority of Kosmet Serbs, who have long distrusted him and his Serbian List, to have their own representatives. in conversations and negotiations concerning, I repeat, OUR CHILDREN, OUR FAMILIES, OUR CITY AND OUR COUNTRY!

Help us in the fight to protect ourselves from the cruelest treason ever committed in Serbia, whose biggest victims are those of us who still live in Kosovo and Metohija. While there are still us in Kosmet! And until it’s too late!

Chief trustee of the “Movement for the Defense of Kosovo and Metohija” – Nebojša Jović

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