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Wear underwear for several days and wash them after getting dirty? Physician: Watch out for folliculitis and candida infection!

[Good morning health / Huang Xuan (thoracic and intensive care specialist)]

Why, you can’t wear the same underwear every day?

I recently heard: “Underwear, you can wear the same piece every day, and wash it when it gets dirty.” I listened, and I was dumbfounded: Really? Fake? Most of us don’t do that!

“You can’t wear the same underwear every day, even if it looks clean?” Here are a few reasons:

  1. Wearing the same underwear every day allows bacteria, pollutants and waste to accumulate on it, increasing the risk of breast and skin infections
  2. Wearing the same underwear every day will damage the elasticity and fabric of the underwear, affecting the effect and life of the underwear
  3. Wearing the same underwear every day will give people a bad impression that you don’t pay attention to your image and hygiene

Therefore, you should change and wash your underwear every day, and choose the size and material that suit you to keep it clean and comfortable. It’s so simple, do you understand? Don’t you understand? Look at underwear, what are the “dirty things” that you can’t see with the naked eye?

The following types of dirty things are common, which you cannot see with your eyes:

  1. Microplastics

    Many underwear is made from synthetic fibers such as polyester, nylon and acrylic, which are plastics made from fossil fuels.Plastic particles are released through wear, washing or wearing and enter the air or water, posing a threat to the environment and human health

  2. Chemical material

    Many underwear uses chemicals such as dyes, bleaches, anti-wrinkle agents, and water repellents in the manufacturing process. These substances may remain on the underwear, causing adverse reactions such as skin allergies, itching, redness and swelling.

  3. bacteria

    Underwear is in close contact with the skin, and it is easy to be contaminated with sweat, oil, dead skin cells and other dirt. These dirt will provide nutrients for bacterial growth. If the underwear is not cleaned or replaced in time, various bacteria may breed. Common bacteria include the following:

    • a. Staphylococcus aureus

      This is one of the most common bacteria on human skin, and usually does not cause serious infections, but if there is a wound or the immune system is weakened, it may cause dermatitis, folliculitis, suppurative infection, etc.

    • b. Corynebacterium

      This is a type of bacteria that is found in the human stomach and on the skin, and if food scraps fall on a bra, it can allow the bacteria to grow. This bacteria may cause skin problems such as acne and pimples.

    • c. Yeast: This is a fungus found on all parts of the human body and can overgrow if the bra is damp or not ventilated. This fungus may cause sweat spots, seborrheic dermatitis, candida infections, and more.

Therefore, it is recommended that you wash and change your underwear regularly, remember to choose underwear made of natural materials and without additives, and pay attention to the cleaning and maintenance of your chest.

This article was published with the authorization of Dr. Huang Xuan Dr. Huang Xuan fan page

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Further reading:

The original text is quoted from: Wear underwear for several days and wash it after getting dirty? Physician: Watch out for folliculitis and candida infection!


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