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Woman gets back diamond ring she flushed down the toilet 13 years ago

In Minnesota, 71-year-old Mary Stand was able to return the ring she accidentally flushed down the toilet 13 years ago. The decoration was found during the repair of the city’s sewage treatment plant, writes The Washington Post.

In 2010, her husband gave Mary a diamond ring in honor of her 33rd wedding anniversary. In the same year, the jewelry was lost – the woman washed her hands, and then pressed the flush button on the toilet. At that moment, the ring slipped from the finger, fell into the drain and disappeared into the sewer.

Mary’s husband tried to find the jewelry – he even lowered a video camera into the pipes and turned to the public utilities for help. Then it was not possible to find the ring, but ten years later, employees of the city services were repairing equipment at the treatment plant and found an expensive piece of jewelry in the mud next to them.

The mayor’s office told about the find on social networks, Mary’s daughter found out about it. The woman described her ring, showed photos with it, and the jewelry was returned to her. All 13 years it was only 400 meters from the owner’s house.


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