Xi Jinping left San Francisco democrats to protest against pink violence (photo) APEC Summit | China Democratic Party | Wang Juntao | Chen Chuangchuang | News San Francisco – Watch China News Network – Overseas Chinese historical secrets and current affairs in mainland China |

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Democratic Party
Xi Jinping visited San Francisco. On the China Democratic Party side, those who protested against “Xitler” included at least Wang Wei, Wang Zhongwei, Zhu Dongdong, Geng Hongjun, Wang Xipeng, Chen Chuangchuang, Jiao Ruilin, He Ruizhong, Liu Yijiang, Zhao Jun, Hu Tingfeng, Mo Jiqiang and others. (Image source: provided by Wang Juntao)

[Watch China, November 18, 2023](Watch the interview and report by Chinese reporter Leng Tao) On November 17, 2023, local time, the leader of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, returned to China. Protesters were at the airport at the same time as Pink. “Another attack occurred at the airport.” . San Francisco police’s favoritism for pink sparks outrage.


According to Chen Chuangchuang, a lawyer from the Chinese Democratic Party, the Democrats first went to the Chinese Consulate to protest today, then went to the San Francisco Police Station to protest, and finally went to the San Francisco Airport to protest against Xi Jinping’s harm to the country and the people. At the protest site at the airport, Mr. Zhang Kaiyu came. There were dozens of us protesting together with Tibetans and Hong Kong people. When Mr. Zhang was picking up his car at Costco supermarket, he was attacked by a large number of pinks waiting here. Lawyer Chen Chuangchuang pointed out that during today’s protest of Xi Jinping’s departure from San Francisco Airport, two Tibetans were injured by the CCP pink. In fact, they were not called pink, but gangsters. The gangsters even beat up a Hong Kong citizen. As a reporter, he was attacked by CCP gangsters during an interview, and his mobile phone was also thrown into the river next to the airport.

Chen Chuangchuang
Lawyer Chen Chuangchuang said in an interview with Watch China that the San Francisco police did not act and favored the bandit Pink (Photo source: Photographed by Watch China reporter)

Lawyer Chen Chuangchuang said that the San Francisco Police Department did not take any measures against all these atrocities.

During this protest, many Democratic Party members were injured, but the San Francisco police did not deal with the perpetrators (Photo source: Provided by lawyer Chen Chuangchuang)

In fact, Wang Juntao, the leader of the Democratic Party, is also very angry at the inaction of the San Francisco police. He said on It doesn’t matter if you are a gangster, a so-called gangster, a security guard, a police officer, or an FBI agent. This afternoon, at the scene where we were beaten, six agents claiming to be FBI came to interrogate our core members on nonsense grounds. They must face the consequences.

Democrats protested in front of the San Francisco Police Department that the police have become accomplices of the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party (Photo source: Provided by Wang Juntao)

Wang Juntao said that in the past two days, they came to San Francisco from New York and Los Angeles to protest against Xi Jinping’s visit here and the violence committed by the CCP thugs against members of the China Democracy Party. They protested at the San Francisco Police Department at noon today. Party members chanted slogans: “Supporting the CCP is shameful! Suppressing freedom is hateful!”

Protest 5
Democrats protested in front of the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco against the tyranny of the Chinese Communist Party and its persecution of the people (Photo source: provided by Wang Juntao)

Wang Juntao previously accepted an interview with reporters from Watch China
In a previous interview with a reporter from “Look at China”, Wang Juntao expressed his desire to awaken those Chinese people who cannot recognize the evil of the CCP (Photo source: Photographed by a reporter from “Look at China”)

In a previous interview with a reporter from “Look at China”, Wang Juntao said that there are still many confused Chinese people who welcome the dictator here, and he hopes that “our protest here can wake them up.”

The CCP = the public enemy of mankind (Picture source: Internet screenshot)

This is the most eye-catching slogan at present. When Xi Jinping leaves –

Source: Look at China

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