Xiomara Castro invites supporters to participate in marches on May 1

Xiomara Castro invites supporters to participate in marches on May 1 World news

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

The president of Honduras, Xiomara Castroinvited this Sunday the militants of the ruler Freedom and Refoundation Party (Libre) to participate on Wednesday in the workers’ march that commemorates International Workers’ Day.

“Comrades, always identified with @PartidoLibre in resistance and defense of the working class, this May 1, Labor Day, let us accompany with conviction their mobilizations at the national level. It is forbidden to forget. We are Resistance,” Castro wrote on the social network X.

“Mel” calls for Libre to march on May 1

The Honduran president did not specify whether she will participate in the workers’ march.

“Mel” also called Libre

Her husband and advisor, Manuel Zelayaformer president overthrown on June 28, 2009 through a coup d’état with seven months remaining in his four-year term, also invited the Libre militants, of which he is general coordinator, to accompany the workers’ mobilizations.

In previous years, Zelaya has participated in May 1 commemorations, arriving unannounced, sometimes by bicycle.

Workers will demonstrate against the cost of food, fuel and electric poweras well as against corruption and impunity, the main scourges that have affected Honduras for more than a century and are, in addition, two of the causes of poverty suffered by more than 60% of the population, according to various sectors.


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