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Yasmín Esquivel considers the subject “concluded” of the thesis with a thread on Twitter

This Thursday, a judge ruled that yasmin esquivelMinister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN)who was accused of plagiarism, is the only author of her undergraduate thesis, for which reason she dismissed the accusations against her.

In this regard, the minister reacted to the decision and “concluded the topic” of the thesis with a thread on Twitter.

“Today, my legal team made public the meaning of the judicial resolution, with which it is definitively proven that I am the only author of the thesis that allowed me to obtain the title of Law Degree, by the UNAM, 36 years ago. years”, Yasmín Esquivel wrote in a first message.

And followed: “The final resolution that my lawyers made public today confirms what I said and proved from the beginning.”

Esquivel concluded with: “Personally, with this determination, I consider the subject closed and continue, without distractions, with my commitment -of more than 38 years in public service- and the legal and moral obligation that I have with the administration of justice in Mexico, as Minister of the SCJN”.

The minister’s legal team, proposed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, pointed out that the judicial sentence of the head of the ninth court of Mexico City, María Magdalena Malpica, is final, therefore cannot be appealed.

The “firm and unassailable” ruling has “resolved that the author of the questioned thesis is Yasmín Esquivel and, therefore, that she is the legitimate owner of the copyright of the aforementioned intellectual work, so that no one else can claim to be the author of it,” said lawyer Alejandro Romano.

● READ MORE: Minister Esquivel did not plagiarize her thesis, judge rules



  • yasmin esquivel
  • SCJN
  • thesis

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