Fish in the home are not only a disaster, they can warn us of this serious problem

Fish in the home are not only a disaster, they can warn us of this serious problem Cuisine

Finding little uninvited guests roaming around in our homes can be unsettling for many of us. But what if those little bugs are actually trying to tell you something important? Fish are not just ordinary pests. Their presence can be a warning that you should not ignore.

Often thought of as pests, fish can actually be a valuable indicator of problems in your home. Their presence is not just a sign of clutter or carelessness, but can signal a much more serious problem that many of us overlook: excessive moisture.

Watch the video from the YT creation of the channel Rýchla rota Bratislava – Rybenky, how to get rid of them

Source: Youtube

What are fish and how do they get into our homes?

Ladybugs (Lepisma saccharina) are small, silvery gray wingless insects that feed on starch, cellulose and sugar. These substances are found in books, wallpaper, carpets, and even in glues. Fish often enter our homes through boxes, old books or furniture brought from other, already infected places.

Fish prefer a moist, warm environment with a sufficient food source. So if you come across fish in the house, you should take it as a clear sign that your environment may have a higher level of humidity than is healthy. High humidity is not only ideal for fish ponds, but it can also lead to the development of mold and fungal infections that can damage your building structures and endanger the health of residents.

If you suspect that the fish are in your house due to moisture, there are several steps you should take.

Moisture control: Use a hygrometer to determine the humidity level in your home. The ideal relative humidity for most homes is between 30% and 50%.

Removal of moisture sources: Check and repair any leaks in windows, doors or water pipes that may be causing increased humidity.

Improved ventilation: Make sure your home has adequate ventilation, especially in bathrooms and kitchens where humidity is naturally higher.

If you want to get rid of fish, the key is to limit their food sources and the habitat they prefer. Start with regular cleaning – vacuum and clean the areas where the fish have been spotted. It is also important to store food in airtight containers so that bugs do not have access to their contents.

Also, don’t forget to repair cracks and crevices in walls and floors, which can serve as shelter and nesting places for fish. These steps will help make your home less attractive to these pests while improving sanitary conditions.

Fish are not just an annoying pest. They can also be helpful in identifying potentially serious problems in your home.

Understanding their biology and what their presence means can lead to better protection of your health and your home from long-term damage. The next time you come across a fish pond, consider it an opportunity to check and improve the health of your home.

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