Potted flowers that are easy to grow. All you need is a mug, some soil and a seed

Potted flowers that are easy to grow.  All you need is a mug, some soil and a seed Cuisine

Growing potted flowers is a great way to liven up your interior and bring a bit of nature into your home. With a little effort and care, you can create a green paradise right in your living room, kitchen or even on your desk. So don’t hesitate and grow your own potted flowers!

Are you a plant lover but don’t know where to start? Embark on the simple process of growing potted flowers that will bring you immense joy!

You don’t need too much space for this, as these are small flowers that will do well in an ordinary coffee or tea mug. We will tell you which plants are perfect for this and how you should properly care for them.

You can see which plants are ideal for growing in a cup in a YouTube video on Thamara’s garden channel:

Source: Youtube

Popular types of potted flowers

There are many types of flowers that are ideal for growing in pots. Among the most popular are primrose, pot orchid, succulent and kalanchoe. Each of these plants has its own specific care requirements, but in general they are hardy and undemanding. In addition to flowers, you can also grow herbs such as basil, parsley, oregano, thyme and many others in pots.

Different colored variants of mugs

There are many advantages to growing flowers in pots, including their smaller size, which means you can place them almost anywhere. The mugs are also available in a variety of colors and designs, allowing you to choose exactly one that will match your interior.

However, you can also use your favorite mug, whose ear has unfortunately broken off. Instead of being thrown out sadly, you will enjoy it for a long time to come!

Planting a seed in a cup

Growing potted flowers is not at all complicated, so it is suitable even for complete beginners! Start by pouring a small layer of drainage, in the form of coarse gravel, pebbles or expanded clay, into the cup of your choice.

Then fill the cup with suitable soil for the type of plant whose seed you will plant in it. Finally, pour everything and place the mug in a suitable place.

Successful cultivation

In order for your potted flowers to grow happily and healthily, it is important to follow a few basic rules. First of all, you need to carefully read the growing instructions on the seed package.

This way you will get the necessary information about lighting, irrigation and room temperature. Furthermore, it is necessary to regularly check the soil moisture and not to overwater the plant unnecessarily.

Sources: herzindagi.com, craftychica.com, floristikaweb.cz


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