Attention! The coronavirus hits the heart

Health news today

Not only those who already have heart disease, but also healthy people, the coronavirus can damage the heart, doctors warn. According to their data, COVIID-19 can cause the development of severe myocarditis, which means inflammation of the heart muscle.

According to, foreign experts warn about the ability of the coronavirus to cause inflammation of the heart.

“Coronavirus and severe infection can lead to myocarditis. This is particularly true for people with existing heart disease, but healthy people are also at risk,” says British researcher David Gaze, lecturer in clinical biochemistry at the University of Westminster.

According to the doctor, more and more studies show the ability of the Sars-CoV-2 virus to infect heart cells and provoke inflammation of muscle tissue. This changes the electrical conductivity in the heart, negatively affecting its function to pump blood. As a result, internal organs, including the lungs, receive less oxygen.

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Why the inflammatory process occurs in the heart, scientists are still not sure. According to one hypothesis, this is due to the way the coronavirus penetrates tissues: the protein on its surface attaches to the ACE2 receptor that the body’s cells have. Patients with heart disease have a large number of receptors. Doctors warn that this function allows a significant number of viral particles to be fixed immediately in the body and cause severe inflammation.

If a person’s condition quickly worsens with myocarditis, a real threat to life is created. In particular, severe arrhythmia can occur, which can lead to sudden cardiac death.

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Studies show that some patients who experience a coronavirus infection experience a sudden and very severe form of myocarditis. Scientists associate this development of the process with the body’s reaction to the penetration of the pathogen. In some cases, immune cells can produce a high concentration of cyclotine mediators, which in turn attract inflammatory cells to their site of accumulation.

The strength of the inflammatory processes in the heart can be measured using a blood test for the protein troponin. This enzyme is secreted by the heart in case of damage, its increased level is a marker of myocardial inflammation./

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