When yawning signals a health problem

Health news today

Many of us associate frequent yawning with overtiredness and lack of sleep. However, not everything is so simple. Yawning can sometimes be a signal of some serious diseases.

Do you often yawn? See a doctor if…

Note, doctors consider it normal if a person yawns about 7-23 times a day. Yawning indicates that you are tired and your cardiovascular system needs to rest.

Plus, yawning helps freshen the air in the lungs and cools the brain.

Yawning too often can indicate various physiological problems. For example, frequent yawning can be a manifestation of obesity, in which the endocrine system is disturbed and the hormonal background is destabilized.

Yawning protects against flu and pneumonia

With such changes, weakness and drowsiness are observed. In addition, being overweight in itself creates increased pressure on the breasts.

Sometimes the cause of frequent yawning is mental health problems. Depressive and anxiety disorders, for example.

In this case, specialized drugs help, but they can also become the cause of yawning (in particular, such effects of antidepressants are described in the medical literature).

Frequent yawning can be associated with an acute cerebrovascular accident – up to a stroke. zdrave.to

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