As you know, a diet is a way of life, a set of rules for eating. Diet can be characterized by factors such as chemical composition, physical properties, food preparation, and the timing and spacing of meals.

Based on the research of nutritionists, doctors have created an innovative nutritional system that seems to be built on the principles of the diet of our ancestors, who, it is believed, did not suffer from obesity problems.

The authors of the regime claim that with the help of the paleo diet you can get rid of 10 kilograms in just 4 weeks, foreign media write.

The Paleo diet is based on the eating habits of the ancient inhabitants of the Stone Age. It was introduced at the end of the 20th century by researchers Boyd Eaton and Melvin Corner. According to them, human genetic evolution slowed down in the early stages of development.

What is the paleo diet and how it works, see