Health news today
In case of duodenal inflammation, immediately do this
Spicy foods, alcohol abuse and food poisoning lead to the development of duodenitis – acute inflammation of the duodenum. 6 sure-fire remedies for
Health news today
Doctor: This is the best tea to prevent dementia
Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia, is a devastating condition that affects millions of people worldwide each year.
Health news today
Over 4,000 chronically ill people are left without medicine because of the coronavirus
More than 4,000 patients with rheumatological diseases do not have access to medication from their main therapy, announced Boryana Boteva –
Health news today
A simple habit to stay active in old age
To ensure healthy aging, you need to get serious about balancing and strengthening your feet. After all, physical activity in old age is one of the main
Health news today
A doctor revealed why you should NOT drink vitamins for immunity
Many people during the autumn-winter period seek to strengthen the immune system with the help of vitamins and various supplements. Therapist Alexey Vodovozov
Health news today
A Russian academic explained the main difference between COVID-19 and other viruses
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Nedospasov commented on the features of the new coronavirus. Nedospasov is sure that it is possible
Health news today
After 40, sex is no longer the same, here’s what changes
When you enter those forties, hormonal changes are inevitable. Along with the changes in your body and mood, you will notice your sex life changing as well.
Health news today
Do disabled people owe a user fee?
Do I owe a user fee when visiting a GP or specialist if I have a TELK decision for over 71% disability? Is this visible at the registry when entering the EGN?
Health news today
Doctor: This remedy with fennel and honey cleans the vessels in just 3 weeks
As we age, deposits accumulate on the walls of blood vessels, which are the cause of atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders, high blood pressure and varicose veins.
Health news today
A nurse described what K-19 symptoms were, then passed out
Angela Cunningham, a Scottish nurse infected with COVID-19, talks about the disease on social media, then dies. Days after her 60th birthday, the woman died.