3 tips to save your relationship if your partner is going through a rough patch

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If you’re someone who’s been in a relationship at least once in your life, you know that it’s not just about having a thrill and having long, romantic conversations with your partner. This is only one part of it. A relationship is a combination of countless colorful moments. From the thrill of the first kiss to the stress of the partner’s first depression and what not. But what happens when your partner is going through a rough patch? This can be a challenge for both of you, but since he’s the one facing problems, here’s what you can do to save your relationship.

23 tips for a happy relationship

1. Be a good listener

It’s easy to give advice and make a list of recommendations and techniques. However, this will never help. It will only show how indifferent you are and that you only want to stay with your partner during his good times. So instead of giving advice to your partner, be with them and listen to what they have to say. Stay calm, don’t yell, even if he says something wrong. Let him pour his heart out. But this does not mean that you should not show emotions and just be silent. Advise him when necessary. Ask him to take care of himself and make him believe that you are there for him.

2. Be careful with your words

Since this is a delicate moment in your relationship, you need to understand that whatever you say will make a big impact. If you promise him something, do it at any cost. Don’t be sweet-talking, but prove your love with your actions. Be sympathetic to him. Never say something just to make them feel better.

A few signs that your relationship will be successful

3. Show care and support, but don’t overdo it

It’s important to know how your partner feels, but not to overdo it. Give him space and time. Show that you care and offer help if needed. Do things he might like. Small gestures can go a long way and help lift your partner’s mood. Don’t rush and never repeatedly ask them to improve their mood. This will happen gradually. Don’t pressure them into something that is beyond their control. Be patient, trust your partner and let things fall into place naturally.

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