A must read if you often buy fish from the store

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The World Health Organization encourages people to consume more fish because it reduces the risk of developing cancers. But you need to know how to choose a healthy and high-quality product.

There are many myths and speculations when it comes to buying fish. These beliefs often get in the way of making the right decision. We present to you the most common questions and answers that can help you choose a nice and tasty fish.

1. Chilled or frozen fish

Chilled fish (that which is placed on ice cubes in the store) is fresh fish that is cooled to a certain temperature immediately after it is caught. You need to know 3 things about her:

Almost always chilled fish comes from aquaculture. This means that it is grown artificially in fish farms.

The storage time of the products is no more than 12 days.

Often, frozen fish is thawed and sold as chilled.

Therefore, before proceeding to purchase her, ask the seller where she was caught. The further away the place, the more likely the fish will be frozen. For example, much of the salmon is imported from Chile, and of course it must be frozen when transported to other countries. So if you are offered fresh salmon from Chile, it is a scam.

Another important factor to consider is the size of the fish. The artificially grown one is full of growth hormones and antibiotics. So the bigger it is, the bigger the risk. If possible, buy a smaller quantity of this product.

2. What is the difference in taste and composition of fresh and frozen fish

A research group from Norway conducted a series of experiments and concluded that frozen fish is just as rich in vitamins and other nutrients as fresh. Frozen food may taste different than fresh, but it definitely does not contain any parasites, unlike the fresh version. Of course, this only applies to fish that have been frozen and stored improperly.

If the fish is oddly shaped, it does not mean that the quality is bad. Sometimes she freezes while on the ship. This leads to its deformation. It is a bad sign when the frozen fish sticks to another. This could mean that it was thawed and then refrozen. To check how fresh it is, put a hot knife on it and smell it. If the smell is unpleasant, it means that it was frozen after its quality has already deteriorated.

By the way, if you want to preserve the vitamins and nutrients in the fish, you should thaw it by placing it in the refrigerator and cook it immediately after.

3. Fillet or whole fish

According to data provided by Oceana, nearly 20% of all fish in stores is fake. Tenderloin is the easiest to season. For example, sea cod is often sold in the form of tuna, which is the most expensive in the world. Therefore, if you can choose, bet on the whole fish. Another argument against buying tenderloin is the chemical mixture that some producers use to get rid of the bones.

Still, if you want to buy a fillet, choose one with the skin on. But before you go to the store, make sure you know what it looks like on different types of fish. For example, the cod has a gray-green shade and dark stripes on the body.

4. How much frost should be on the fish and what it means


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According to the law, the amount of frost should not exceed 5% of the weight of the fish. But, unfortunately, the information on the packaging is not always correct. Hit the fish with a hard object – if you notice ice cracks, there is probably more than 5% freezing.

The way the ice looks can reveal a lot about the quality of the fish. If you notice cracks or white spots, it means that the product has been thawed and frozen several times. If the ice is yellow, then the fish is not fresh.

5. What to look for on the label

Since 2016, in many countries around the world there is a law that obliges producers to provide data on the place of catch and processing of fish on the label. This information is important when purchasing tenderloin. If the fish is caught in a place that is far from the producer, it means that it was frozen in transit to the factory, then thawed and filleted, and finally frozen again. The quality of this type of product cannot be good.

Also on the packaging there should be information about the contents. Choose a product that has nothing but fish and water. Some may contain polyphosphate, which retains water in the fish to make the product heavier.


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