The signs that boast of foreign laurels – find out who they are!

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Everyone knows the feeling of seeing someone else take credit for something they worked hard for. But some zodiac signs are more inclined to flaunt foreign laurels than others. If you’re one of these star signs, it might be time to reflect on your actions and start giving your due.


It’s not that Virgos are necessarily malicious in taking credit – they just don’t want to be seen as anything less than perfect. Therefore, if their mistakes are likely to be discovered, they often try to shift the blame onto someone else. They may also try to make themselves look better by taking credit for things they have nothing to do with. After all, if everyone thinks you did it – then you must have done it, right?


Aquarians can sometimes be overly focused on their own successes and achievements, so much so that they forget to acknowledge the contributions of others to achieving those goals. They don’t have to be intentionally selfish; it just doesn’t occur to them that someone else might have played a role in achieving the goal. As a result, Aquarians can often find themselves in a situation where they take credit for themselves without even realizing it.


Leo is the sign of royalty, which means Leos love attention and recognition for their accomplishments and successes. Unfortunately, this can lead some Leos to take credit for things they didn’t actually do, or to exaggerate their involvement in a project or task. This is not always intentional; sometimes Leos just get caught up in the moment and forget that other people were involved in their success.

Taking credit for another person’s efforts is never normal, no matter what zodiac sign you are! If any of these things apply to you, maybe now is the time to think about how to give praise and recognition going forward! This way we will become better team players and show appreciation when we deserve it! Let’s start giving praise where it’s due!

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