Top 10 New Year’s beliefs that prevent you from earning more

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Family and environment influence how one feels about money: we adopt the beliefs and experiences of loved ones. But not always these beliefs are useful and contribute to prosperity. Here are some of them.

Rich people are greedy

Some rich people are really frugal, but not all. And if you think all rich people are bad, you’re unlikely to try to increase your income or savings.

Money corrupts people

Most often, this is a subconscious attitude that is fueled by social networks and the media. A person with this belief may feel guilty if they have money and seek to get rid of it.

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A good man should not care about money

People who help others really think about money last. The result is financial hardship. But a stable financial situation does not make a person bad, but opens up new opportunities – including for help.

People only get rich by exploiting other people

This belief usually arises in early childhood, for example, when a child hears parents talking about an unfair boss. But some people make a fortune on their own and without manipulation. It is important to understand this, otherwise one can avoid any financial problems.

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Taking unnecessary risks

Trying to boost your self-esteem with money can lead a person to take unnecessary risks. For example, get-rich-quick gambling.

I don’t buy anything that is already used

Buying only new things is not always rational. Especially when it comes to expensive purchases – like a house, a car.

To improve your status in the eyes of others.

Often this thought is dictated by the desire to improve their status in the eyes of others. Conspicuous consumption leads to purchases and borrowing that people could do without. A striking example is the annual replacement of the smartphone.

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The more money, the happier the person

The most common belief about money in Western countries. But scientists have not yet found enough convincing evidence that high income makes people happier.

An increase in salary may not bring the expected joy, and a person will begin to buy more and more in the hope of feeling better.

Everything in my life would be better if I had more money.

This belief is also related to the belief that money can buy happiness. But the pursuit of wealth and status can lead to new problems – for example, turning into compulsive hoarding or uncontrolled shopping.

More on the psychology of money

It’s in our brain stream. Psychology and neuroscience determine human financial behavior.


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