Which zodiac sign faces a big test in early 2023

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The new year is approaching, and with it comes new opportunities and challenges! While every zodiac sign will have its share of trials throughout the year, some signs face a particular challenge at the beginning of the year. So who is this sign? Read on to find out if you should stock up on extra coffee or sit back and enjoy the ride!

The zodiac sign under pressure: Pisces

If your star sign is Pisces, then you might already be feeling a little overwhelmed! On January 1st, expect to feel a lot of tension as Saturn enters your sign. This is known as a Saturn return and is a very important part of life. Every 29-30 years, Saturn returns to its original position in our birth chart – giving us all a fresh start. During this time, we can experience intense feelings of stress and anxiety as we are forced to face our deepest fears and self-doubts. However, this period also holds great potential for growth if we learn to embrace it. So don’t forget to take some time for yourself to think about what you want out of life during this period – no matter how scary that may seem!

Another challenging sign: Scorpio

Scorpio is another zodiac sign that will go through cycles of challenges in early 2023. This is because Mercury retrograde will appear in your sign twice during this period – from February 6 to March 11 and then again from the 28 June to July 24. When Mercury is retrograde, it’s like experiencing technical problems – only instead of affecting our computers and phones, they affect us directly, creating confusion and chaos in our lives. Be prepared for misunderstandings with friends and family members during these periods – but don’t worry too much; once Mercury returns to direct, everything should be back to normal soon enough!

Last tip: Aquarius

At the beginning of this year, those born under the sign of Aquarius should expect some big changes – especially when it comes to relationships. Mars will enter your sign from January 8th to February 20th, so expect a lot of passion (and maybe even arguments!) during this time. However, don’t let the issues get too heated; try to maintain balance and communicate openly with your partner or loved ones during this period so that all issues can be resolved peacefully. Overall, just remember that change can be good – even if it seems difficult or overwhelming at first!

As 2023 begins, new opportunities appear – but also many obstacles along the way! If you were born under the sign of Aries, expect serious trials soon – while Scorpios should watch out for misunderstandings due to retrograde Mercury, which will appear twice in their sign in the next few months. Finally, Aquarians need to prepare for major changes – remember that while changes may be daunting at first, they often lead us down paths we didn’t expect before… Good luck everyone!

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