Sanna writes cheese about saying thank you

Sanna writes cheese about saying thank you Рolitics

Things like cooking a few portions of chicken and booking laundry time. Call 1177 and Comhem. Unload the dishwasher. Go to recycling. Dust, it’s the worst thing after dust.

Yes, you clean up after yourself, a species’ instinct: when chaos hits people, they start to clean up. When the threatening, uncontrollable tumult eases, she becomes a little more careless, and let it go, it’s a good sign, this being able to relax a little. But you have to clean up if you want to keep your dignity.

A certainty.


Still, it could be nice if someone showed that they noted that the self-clarity was handled.

I mean no fanfare at all because there is nothing to talk about, things like making a decent sauce and draining the pasta water at the right second, a normal weekday evening, or paying a forgotten Annual fee or empty the litter box.

But maybe a word, a small, small one, like for example … “how good†or like “thank you†? But in our family there are divided opinions about whether that type of confession is needed at all. Why then, of course you hang the washing up?

And that’s it.

I must be of the squishy kind, but I’m weak to being petted and I like to be properly petted when I go to the doctor, and yes, I’m kind of happy if has anyone seen me do something that can certainly be called a duty but is still a bit of a chore or just incredibly boring.

Why “thank you†? some in my family wonder, is it just the right thing to do?

And I understand how often I myself haven’t seen what others have done. Before it becomes easy some kind of unspoken division in a family, and you forget so easily that such things that others have gotten into the habit of fixing, are actually done.

But, I continue in my self-absorbed pursuit of visibility, if you only thanked for unexpected kindness, all normal courtesy would disappear? The fact that you thank someone for holding the door open does not mean that you expected the opposite, to have it dropped right in the nick of time. Or?

Uh, it’s not the same thing, one of the family snaps abruptly, and I understand even that the reasoning is not rational.

Because it’s probably the same thing, if you ask me. But you may not have the energy or want to say “thank you†to people at home all the time. You have other things to do, because you have to or for some other reason.

Read more cheese series, for example Sanna about the shops it’s a bit embarrassing to go to.


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