Missouri Prairie Foundation hosts native plant sale


SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — The Missouri Prairie Foundation hosted a native plant sale on Saturday at Mother’s Brewing Company.

The purpose of the sale was to help protect and restore the state’s prairie and native grasslands. Watershed Natives, Ozark Soul Native Plants, Grass Roots and Gaylena’s Garden were at the event selling native plants.

The foundation says there are more than 800 known species of plants, pollinators, insects and animals from Missouri prairies.

“They help retain the soil and stabilize the soil, preventing erosion, soaking up some of those wet areas,” said Sarah Hinman, a representative from the Missouri Prairie Foundation. “And I think a lot of the individuals coming here today are really interested in pollinators. Maybe they’re interested in bees or butterflies. Some folks are interested in food for other wildlife birds and a medley of insects.”

The Missouri Prairie Foundation says it has acquired over 4,000 acres of prairie for permanent protection.

At least 15 million acres of land in the state were prairies when European settlers came to the area. Now, fewer than 60,000 acres remain.


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