What work needs to be done in the garden in early spring to protect against pests and diseases: tips for beginners

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While the buds on trees and shrubs have not yet woken up, you need to have time to carry out a series of protective procedures against garden pests and diseases.

Therefore, early spring for gardeners is the time of treatments with drugs that can no longer be used during the growing season.

We will tell you how to spend this time with the maximum benefit for the future harvest.

Where to start processing

1. If wisely, then the first to put in order are the shrubs that wake up before the trees. A preliminary inspection is carried out, branches damaged by pests, frost or infectious diseases are removed, as well as simply old and dried shoots.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Then the soil is loosened, treated with protective preparations and fertilizers are applied.

2. After that, you can switch to tree care.

An inspection is also carried out, then cleaning from the old bark, pruning, cleaning, processing with copper sulphate, sections are treated with garden pitch, and then whitewashing and digging the soil in the near-trunk zone.

3. In the garden at this time, gardeners have to deal with leafworms, caterpillars, aphids, mites and other pests.

It is important to be in time before the buds begin to swell, because significant results can be achieved only through the use of specialized (chemical) preparations, and not folk developments.

Along with this, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment against the spread of scab, moniliosis, powdery mildew and other fungal diseases. For this purpose, fungicides and copper-containing preparations are used.

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