Doctors called “silent” an unexpected symptom of cancer

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Doctors called it an unexpected symptom of silent cancer

Persistent abdominal bloating may be a warning symptom of ovarian cancer. The British newspaper Daily Express writes about this based on the research center Moffitt Cancer.

“During abdominal distension, the patient’s abdomen is bloated, round, and possibly even cool. This is often attributed to poor diet, indigestion, or stress. However, it may be a sign of a serious illness,” – explained the experts.

However, according to doctors, many people suffer from abdominal bloating from time to time, and it is necessary to see a doctor only if the symptom does not go away for 3 weeks.

Ovarian cancer is often called the “silent disease” because patients often don’t even know about the warning signs, which they don’t even notice until it’s late, doctors said. Other symptoms of this type of cancer include unexplained weight loss, extreme fatigue, and problems urinating.


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