Honduran wins technological innovation competition in Poland

Honduran wins technological innovation competition in Poland World news

He Honduran Johan Cárcamo has become news in Polandwhere the media have highlighted his leadership, after his team won the innovation competition of the Gdanska University of Technology.

The 36-year-old from the capital told THE PRESS who grew up in the Reparto de Abajo neighborhood, where he has fond memories.

His interest in technology arose when he was a teenager, because his father is a communications technician and used to help him with his projects.

Reason why upon entering university he opted for computer engineering, where he became passionate about programming. It was precisely at the university where Cárcamo met his current partner and whom he will soon marry.

In 2018, after obtaining his university degree, the man from the capital migrated to the Bahamas in search of better employment opportunities.

Thanks to his skill and commitment, he managed to place himself in an important company that had projects throughout the Caribbean. This allowed him to save enough money to follow his dream of studying in Europe.

Cárcamo said that since he was young he wanted to study abroad, so when he raised the necessary money, he began to apply to different universities.

In 2022 he was accepted into the Gdanska University of Technology in Poland and another in Spain, but he decided on the former to challenge himself and practice his English.

At the beginning of 2023, the Honduran traveled to the European country to study a master’s degree in telecommunications and since his arrival at the university he stood out for his talent and discipline.

These qualities led him to be chosen as a team leader to participate in the technological innovation competition organized by the Faculty of Biomedicine.

Johan and his colleagues, from Palestine, Ukraine, India, Turkey and Serbia, created a prototype of an autonomous robot that detects, collects and classifies garbage.

The project took them a year, because they started from scratch, developing the detection algorithm. To do this, they used a special camera and artificial intelligence, which allows the robot to identify the garbage, measure the distance, angle and depth, so that it can collect and classify it.

To know

Among his future plans are to graduate, return to Honduras to get married and continue innovating in the area of ​​technology.

He explained that this prototype combines programming, artificial intelligence and engineering and that the algorithm could even be used to find missing people in disasters, which is why it managed to win first place.

About this achievement, Johan said that he feels honored to have led a multicultural team and that it is a pride to show the world that there are talented people in Honduras. In turn, he encouraged young people to follow their dreams and give their best in everything they do.


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